Wednesday 10 June 2015

Learn Copy And Paste Command of MS Word

In copy we can use a copied date in different style and different words and paragraph style. We can copy simple or as special as we copy any word to words data with its characteristics/format like with original fonts size and paragraph style. We can copy a hyperlink of any website or any other file locates in our compute by which we can open a website or that file which we locate…..etc.
Shortcut Key of coy is (ctrl+c).

In paste option we can paste a copied data in various style. We can paste it as simple or as special as we paste any word to word data with its characteristics/ format like with original fonts size and paragraph style. We can paste a hyperlink of any website or any other file locate in our computer by which we can open a website or that file which we locate….etc.etc….
Another methods of past we paste any words data with its characteristics we right click and then a dialog box opened and then the click of past left click.The shortcut key of Past is (ctrl+v).

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